Eight proven tips for a good night's sleep.
We've all been there, a bad night's sleep can totally ruin one's day.
You wake up feeling tired, irritable, and unproductive.
Even worst, it causes you to forget things, make fuzzy-minded decisions, and in the long term, causes all sorts of health, dietary, & weight-gain issues. Needless to say, a good night's sleep on the other hand can be live changing.
Here are 8 evidence-based tips to sleep better at night:
1. Establish A Routine
Take a warm bath, change into your comfy clothes, drink a glass of water, listen to soothing music. Much like how a child is tucked into bed every night with the same exact ritual, this works on adults too. A set routine helps signal to the body & mind that it is time to switch off and sleep.
2. Disconnect From Your Devices
Be it a phone, tablet, TV, or laptop, set a rule to put them aside an hour before bedtime. These devices emit blue light, that tricks your brain into believing it's daytime and suppresses your sleep hormones. Not to mention, the excessive stimulus can also make it hard to wind down.
3. Create A Restful Environment
A little optimisation can go a long way to encourage rest, such as setting the temperature, drawing the curtains, making sure that it's peaceful & quiet, ensuring that your space is clean & free of clutter, to even things like using calming colours & pleasant smells, can all help to calm you down for sleep.
4. Set Aside Time To Relax
There are so many wonderful ways to wind down before sleep, here are some ideas: read a book, listen to soothing music, journal, have conversations to connect with your partner, do some stretches to relieve tension, try some breathing exercises, to even starting a gratitude list each day.
5. Foods To Avoid
Avoid consuming large meals & spicy food before bed as this may negatively affect sleep quality. Same goes for caffeine & alcohol too! Don't worry, you can still enjoy them, just opt for having these food & drinks well before your bedtime, preferably during midday.
6. Keep Fit
Most experts agree that exercising & having an active lifestyle can be good for both your health & sleep. Just remember not to do it too late or vigorously for the time leading up to bed as it can make it harder to settle down & sleep.
7. Invest In Comfortable Bedding
There's a saying "Do Not Skimp On Things That Separate You From The Ground". This includes your mattress, pillow, and sheets, as these items play a massive role in your comfort & sleep, and ultimately your health. There are certain things in life that are just worth spending a little more on, it will pay off wonderfully, and your older self will be thanking you for it!
8. Reserve Your Bed for Sleep and Intimacy Only
We know it can be tempting to lounge on your comfortable bed to get some work done, or even scroll on social media, but this can subconsciously cause of a strong mental association of stress, stimulus, & wakefulness with your bed, instead of sleep. Make your bed a sacred place!