"Slow Living" in a busy world.
We live in a world where everything is so fast-paced and hectic.
Everyone is always so busy and in a frenzy - juggling for deadlines, obligations, responsibilities.
Life seem to just be about the grind, hustle, stress and repeat. It's no wonder many of us are overwhelmed & exhausted. It's as if we're constantly just running.
What is Slow Living and does it help?
"Slow living is about embracing the fact that you're not doing it all
- it's about doing less, but better."
Much like "minimalism", slow living is a movement and a lifestyle that encourages us to slow down, live in the moment, simplify our lives, and focus on what truly matters.
It also inspires people to savour simple pleasures, prioritise quality > quantity, and find joys in the little things. We're sure most of us can agree that deep down, all we long for is a meaningful and fulfilling life; rich with relationships & experiences.
But how can we truly savour & enjoy them when our minds everywhere?
Slow living advocates mindfulness and intentionality in our priorities, so that we can foster a connection with the present moment and with others.
Here are nine ways to practise slow living today.

1) Be Productive, Not Busy
“Busyness is, at its core, about misplaced priorities.” — Joshua Becker
We live in a hustle culture that glamourizes busyness. This not only robs us of living, it also creates a illusion of accomplishment. What we really should be focusing on instead, is to be productive & impactful.
2) Simplify Your Life
Instead of always running in the rat race of life; trying to keep up & impress others, desiring endlessly more, accumulating stuff, and filling up your calendar with a cluster of activities - learn to cut down & declutter on the non-essentials in life or things that don't line up with your values.
3) Focus on Relationships
We all have a limited time on this earth, and at the end of our lives, it would be the relationships that we fostered and memories created together that matters, not the material things.
4) Disconnect
It’s hard to slow down when you’re always scrolling on social media, checking for new messages, work emails etc. Set aside time to disconnect from our devices & technology, it can help us engage and appreciate the world better.
5) Practice Gratitude
Keep your mindset positive and always look for the little things in life that you can be grateful for. By doing so, you can redirect your attention on things that cause you stress or anxiety and focus on the good in your life, which will definitely lead to a better overall mental well-being.
6) Prioritise Rest
In our busy world, people often prioritise getting more done at the expense of sleep. This is detrimental to both our physical & mental health in the long run. Try to establish a routine to disconnect & unwind each night to make intentional room for rest.
7) Learn to Say “No”
It's totally ok to say "no"! Saying "no" can be hard for some, but learning to do so gracefully will help make space for what matters and prevent burnout.
8) Be Present
Have you ever rushed through your day and barely recalled what you had for lunch? Many of us go through life without being present - the endless worrying, rushing, & thinking consumes us. Being mindful & cultivating habits like journalling or counting our blessings can ground us to the present. It helps us appreciate the little pleasures, have a positive perspective on our problems, and even enhance our health by managing stress & sleep better.
9) Appreciate Nature
We're often surrounded by a concrete jungle of vehicles, buildings, & noise. The world is a much bigger place, and sometimes retreating to nature can be the best way to unwind & rest in a tranquil setting. You can start by exercising or doing activities outdoor. Breathe in the fresh air, listen to the birds chirping, enjoy the greenery & waters. It will do wonders for your soul.

Remember that slow living is a journey.
While a perfect life can never be attained, incorporating some of these concepts can help us foster a deeper appreciation of life, and hopefully, also a greater sense of happiness.
Life is too short - live, love and laugh always.